
I'm excited to be starting this class. I have lots of ideas, but have always been nervous about taking the first step in putting the words on paper, rather making those first few keystrokes. I hope that this blog will serve as a useful medium for me to share my ideas and get feedback that will help me to become a better writer and educator.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Collection of Poems

For this collection of poems I wanted to try writing a few more haiku’s, a stanza poem and a prose poem. I really enjoyed those as I wrote them over the course of the semester so far and I wanted to tackle different topics in them. This go around I tried to keep the mood more upbeat and pull the anger back and tried to insert a different emotion. For example, the pride of a father in ‘My Little Olympian’ or humor in ‘Stats’. For me I wanted to try a new poem where I only take Jimmy Buffett song titles and form a poem, I accomplished this, but I struggled with knowing if it sounded right or even if it sounded finished. I’m sure as with my other poems it could be reworked and made better over time. I decided to use haiku’s on three different occasions in this collection because I like the challenge they provide in developing them. I like how it forces me to consider good word choice and using descriptive words to conjure up an image in such a small space. Finally, I could not resist the prose poem. This one I thoroughly enjoyed and laughed almost all the way through, maybe you won’t, but it was fun. Hopefully, you find this as enjoyable as I did.


Before bed I drink

Calming, soothing, relaxing

Damn, that tea is good


Response variable is also called an outcome variable

Would you please just use one term so I can understand what is being asked

Mean, median and mode

Which means middle again?

Standard deviation

How in the hell should I know what number is deviating and how much?

Bell curves

Yep...looks like a bell to me, now what?

5 number summary

Okay, I got five numbers...Oh I got it! Nope, still don’t know what they mean.

Random Sampling, Random Digit Dialing, Cluster Sampling....and more

How to choose? Eenie, meenie, minie mo....

Statistical Method I

I was confused before this class and I remain confused.


Kids waking at night

Yawning, groggy, and cranky

I just want a nap

My True Love

This girl has got it. Her figure is perfect and her curves are in all the right spots. I know what buttons to press to really get her going. It really is a joy to see her face light up like the sun rising to push away the night when I turn her on. Dressed in dazzling white and elegant silver she waits for me to take her out or enjoy her company at home. This diva is who I love spending time with. Together we have enjoyed many intimate moments and elicited many wild adventures. She knows how to take it slow and boy does she know how to kick it up a notch. And when I’m feeling down, she is there in my hands not saying a thing. Without inhibitions she introduces me to new women and the occasional man. A guy could not ask for a better friend and companion, she is truly amazing and I am not ashamed to say that I really love my Kindle

My Little Olympian

Marching across the ice

Like a soldier in uniform

She flies past the others

My little Olympian

Blades strike the frozen pond

Shards of ice cake the cold steel

Chips fly has she digs in

My little Olympian

Moving with ease

Slowing with difficulty

Those falls hurt from here

My little Olympian

A smile ear to ear

Concentrating on her training

A ice fairy of my own creation

My little Olympian

She might win the gold

She might not win at all

But no matter what she always be

My little girl


Prowling inside my skull the intruder swings the hammer hard.

Ode to Jimmy

The Wino and I Know

Nobody Speaks to the Captain No More

When the Coast is Clear

Meet Me in Memphis

Everybody’s Talkin’

In The Shelter

Why Don’t We Get Drunk

Sweet Caroline

Jolly Mon Sing

It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere

Livin’ It Up

On a Slow Boat to China

Someday I will

Bring Back the Magic

Miss You So Badly



  1. Lol at the kindle poem. You got me there.


  2. I'm just commenting quickly on the kindle poem too.. well done!

  3. I have several comments to share. First, I appreciated the title "Drink" and was thinking that it was going to reference alcohol and then laughed when it was tea, an ironic twist. Nice job.

    My next comment relates to the poem, "Exhausted". The poem is relatable for parents who are up at night a lot. What confused me about the poem was the second line, yawning, groggy and crabby, does this refer to you or the kids? I think if you consider revising, maybe a little fine tuning of word choice could clarify it, or even make better use of the 17 syllables you have to work with.

    "My True Love" is quite a poem and leading the readers to believe this is your lover is quite coy! You effectively weave together sexual references to make this poem really, well... sexual I guess you could say, for lack of a better descriptor. There are a few words though, like curves in all the right spots (the word spots just doesn't fit with the otherwise descriptive phrase... it seems blah I think). I feel the same way about "It really is a joy" when the rest is so leading, some phrases within the text kind of are a step back and seem not leading enough if that makes sense. I love it though. Your Kindle is a lucky device.

    I love "My Little Olympian". I appreciated how you came back to the phrase, "my little olympian". The repetition in this case was effective, and when you changed it up, it was a nice point of closure. One question would be, an ice fairy of my own creation, what does that mean exactly? Do you skate? It sort of implies that maybe you are the coach or something?

    Headache... Wow, I can totally appreciate that poem and wish the hammer in my head would lay off too!
